Tuesday 28th November is ‘World Giving Day’

Help us raise the funds to feed an additional 200 of the most vulnerable children in the slums of Kenya.

Your donations will be matched by one of our sponsors, so every pound you donate will have double the impact.

It costs just 17p to provide a nutritious hot meal of maize, beans and vegetables in one of our eight feeding programmes. A donation of £5 will feed a child for a month.

This year a sponsor has offered to match all monthly or one-off donations made to support our Feeding Centres between now and midnight on World Giving Tuesday next week. So your donation will have double the impact and provide twice as many meals.

Each day, we give 1,200 children a hot meal – that’s 200 more children than a year ago. We desperately need your help so that we can feed more starving children and give them a chance to survive.

The conflict in Ukraine has deprived Kenya of its main source of imported grain and created food shortages that hit the poorest hard. We operate 8 feeding centres in the most deprived areas of

Kenya, where work is irregular, and the typical wage is just $2 per day. On days when work is not available, none of the family gets a meal. A regular daily meal can be the difference between life and death.

Kenya Children Centres has been feeding children in crisis and saving lives for over 20 years. Our feeding centres are located in schools, so the children are motivated to come to school for their daily meal. Starving children do not have the energy to walk to school and cannot concentrate and learn effectively when they are at school. They suffer physical and mental health problems, often have stunted growth, and can’t develop socially.

The data we collect on the children we feed shows that a hot daily meal rapidly improves their health, raises their academic performance, reduces school absenteeism, and improves their behaviour and well-being. It gives them the chance of a decent self-sufficient life.

Help us to transform the future for these desperately vulnerable children. Please give what you can. Help us rescue another child and give them a brighter life.

Every penny you give will be spent on the children; our Trustees pay for all administration and fund-raising costs.