Our Work

Explore our latest projects


In Thika we have both a Children’s Care Centre and a specialist Baby Unit.

Our Care Centre gives temporary accommodation and care to 16 critically vulnerable children.

Our Baby Unit currently cares for 14 babies and 6 pregnant teenagers…


We provide meals, health checks, and reproductive health education for over 1,000 children across 8 schools in the Thika area.

The meals that we provide are often the only food that the children get that day…


Education provides the most effective route out of poverty for young people. We reach beyond our centres and give grants to deprived children in poor communities so they can attend school, vocational training or University.

How you can help

Your support will make a real difference to more than 2,000 vulnerable children. Our success is measured in lives saved and improvements in growth and development milestones.

Ultimately we want everyone we help to become self sufficient.

KCC retains a personal and transparent relationship with sponsors and supporters. You know exactly how your money is used and you can see the benefits it is delivering.

Get involved, to help us keep the children and babies safehealthy and educated.